Saturday, June 12, 2010

How to use Twitter in the best way?

Twitter is a very popular concept in in US and many people tweet regularly. Almost 90% of US population is available online and almost 70% of the online population uses either facebook or twitter or both. This data is not authenticated and is based on a sample survey carried out on over 100 people in the States by some of my Internet Marketing peers. One more interesting fact is that almost 60% of the people who are on Twitter in the US have connected Twitter to their phones. So they get updates from their friends even when they are in the disco, restroom, watching a baseball match or dating in a cafe.

UK is fast catching up US when it comes to social networking. Lot of other countries are also using twitter a lot. But Indians are far behind in Tweeting. Almost 9% of India's population has access to internet which will soon increase to a whopping 15-20%. In that case India will be the biggest market in the Internet Arena and many Online Ventures will soon come up concentrating solely on the Indian Markets.

Ok, all that was just a background and now lets start off with our first post about tweeting. Many of us do not tweet because we do not know how to and why to? Twitter was invented for friends to keep in touch with friends. Dont worry if you do not have hundreds of followers, it is quite natural as nobody else other than your friends and people who know you would be interested in your tweets if you do not tweet on something which is very meaningful to them. If you a celebrity, you are a lucky one, you should go ahead and create a verified twitter account and your fans will start following you almost immediately. In my later posts I will talk about verified account in details. An individual who is not a celebrity or an organization need not have a verified account.

A group of friends may use twitter productively to post updates to all the friends about a particular thing. If 5 friends are working on a project, they may post tweets on the latest updates about the project so that all the others are updated about it.

But then, some use twitter to say that I am yawning, I am sleeping, I am eating etc. which do not make any sense to anyone. Tweeting needs to be done on important events, updates and interesting things that we think others will be interested at. Say I came across a very good website, I may want to share it with my friends, Twitter is a great way to do it. Maybe I got promoted in my job and I want to inform this to my friends, I send a tweet. Or I have uploaded new photos on Flicker, I can send a tweet along with the link. This is how general people can be in touch and utilize Twitter in the best way.

In case you want to be updated round the clock about your group you can also use Twitter on Mobile which is now only available on Airtel Mobiles. Stay tuned on my next posts on how to add your phone to your twitter account and also about how corporates/NGOs and Businesses can use Twitter in the Best Possible way. I will also write an article on the best twitters and how they became the best.


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